Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. While that’s a whole other ball of wax, many believe that a fifth Fallout game would go back to being single player and happen somewhere around New Orleans (thanks to a Fallout New Orleans trademark from 2016). So when can we expect this sequel? McVicker says that he predicts Fallout: New Vegas 2 to come out in the “latter half of this decade.” He even goes on to throw out a prediction for Fallout 5 to be some time in the 2030s. Starfield is next, and even that needs another year or two. I expect anything close to a Fallout 5 in the 2030s. I expect FNV2 in the latter half of this decade.
He’s also made several predictions regarding a collaboration between Valve’s Steam and Microsoft’s Xbox that are looking more and more likely. For example, in late 2019, McVicker leaked a video of Half-Life: Alyx a full six months before the game was officially released. So why should we listen to this guy? Formerly of the Valve News Network, McVicker has made a name for himself by leaking and predicting upcoming gaming news.